About me
Welcome to a unique experience
You desire connection. You enjoy a sophisticated, educated, and unfastened woman. Her skin has the brilliance only found in those who eat clean and sleep well. Her magnetic personality lights up a room. Her body is tan, toned and unreservedly natural. Her sensuality is absolutely sincere.
I am this woman. I have an innate gift for connection, massage training and intuitive hands. I deeply love humans. I give each session my all. I am diligent about your health and safety. I value my health and my body with the same respect.
My clients honor me. Most of my clients are regulars. They arrive on time. They make appointments in advance. If they must cancel, they do so with 24 hour notice. They usually tip me and they respect my boundaries. I wake up every morning elated to do what I do.
Offerings:TantraNURUTie & TeaseExclusive/CompanionshipEvents and Dinner dates
Donations:1hr. $11001.5hr. $16002hr. $22003hr. $3300 **Must include meal out
24hr $11000 **Must include 3 meals outCouples + $500 flat rate
[email protected]